I am sure many of you have realized that "The Canny Chronicles" have been few and far between. I apologize for this lack of updates and communication. Molly and I have been adjusting to married life as well as taking care of some medical issues for my mother (Brenda Canny). We would really appreciate your continued prayers in that situation.  Speaking of adjusting to married life...Molly and I are spending our first full day apart since being married 2 1/2 months ago. We did spend a full week living in separate dorms when we counseled at Red Rock Camp in Paynesville, Minnesota (3 weeks into our marriage), but at least then we saw each other throughout the whole day. I am currently typing this post from Oskaloosa at Rev. David and Donna Barner's house while my beautiful wife Molly is in Minneapolis at Duane and Jessie Erickson's house. We have been in my home town of Oskaloosa for a couple weeks and Molly returned to Minneapolis to gather some extra items before we start our road trip out west. 
Molly and I will be officially starting our first full month of deputation this Sunday, August 22nd in Kirksville, MO. From there we will be driving westward to Montana and spending the majority of September in Oregon/Washington.  We are excited to see just how God works in us together to share the ministry He is calling us to in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

On this first night away from my wife I would like to say I spent the evening replaying in my mind all the special moments from these past months and that I wrote several heart felt and lengthy poems about my undying love and devotion to read to her upon her return. Then I couldn't help but call/text her every 5 minutes just to see how she was doing. 

I'd LIKE to tell you that....

But lets get real...I was researching for my Fantasy Football draft on Friday night. 

Then I stumbled across an article I felt I had to share because of it's sheer audacity and ridiculousness. 

Comedian Jim Gaffigan in his Comedy Central special "Whiter Than Pale" spoke tongue in cheek about how ridiculous our fast food menu items are getting. He was speaking about the McGriddle and how he could see things easily getting out of hand from there. After reading this article I could see that Jim Gaffigan is not only comedian, but "Fast Food Prophet". 

Only in America.

Bryan E. Canny (Missionary to Bolivia)

P.S. One day I will finish the travel log from our April 2010 trip. Many more memories and photos to come. 


  1. Jim Gaffigan is hilarious and I cannot believe what I just saw!

    Praying for you two! Continue to keep us updated! :)


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